Opportunities and Challenges : Conference on Visual Arts Education in Asia
Plenary Session 3 : 重新認識美術學院
2010 | 33 minsPlenary Session 3 : Cyan Magenta Yellow Black of a Graphic Designera's Life
2010 | 14 minsPlenary Session 3 : What is Branding and why is it Important for Artist and the Communication Industry
2010 | 23 minsPlenary Session 3 : Tacit Knowledge and the Expanded Field : a Case Study in Three-dimensional Form Production
2010 | 27 minsRoundtable Discussion : Investing in Creativity : Visual Arts Education as a Method
2010 | 43 minsOpening and Keynote Address : Chopsticks and Mobiles : Aesthetics for Collaborative Design
2010 | 75 minsPlenary Session 1 : Visual Arts Curriculum and Student Development
2010 | 27 minsPlenary Session 1 : 視覺藝術教育的線性學習歷程檢視
2010 | 32 minsPlenary Session 1 : Visual Arts Education at the HKICC School of Creativity : More Than VA
2010 | 22 minsPlenary Session 1 : The Challenge of Digital Technology to Visual Art Education
2010 | 23 minsPlenary Session 1 : Bad is not always Good : Student Assessment in Outcome-Based Visual Arts-Education
2010 | 38 minsPlenary Session 2 : Culture for Design : Beyond Aesthetic Differentiation
2010 | 34 minsPlenary Session 2 : 浪漫合作 : 設計創意教學與跨領域合作的培養
2010 | 28 minsPlenary Session 2 : Some Useful Concepts from the Past and the Present : Teachable and Unteachable Notions for Higher Education in Art
2010 | 18 minsPlenary Session 2 : New Vision of Art Appreciation
2010 | 17 minsPlenary Session 2 : Stepping Out of the Curriculum : "My Soil, My Land"
2010 | 27 minsGlass Art Education Slides
2013 | 4 mins玻璃藝術資源投影片
2013 | 4 mins玻璃藝術: 0 - 1200°C的奇妙變幻
2013 | 24 minslesson 019 : Connecting a switch to the modified keyboard to control a Pure Data program
2012 | 22 minslesson 018 : Modifying a computer keyboard
2012 | 27 minslesson 017c : Obtaining audio input from microphone with [adc~]
2012 | 9 minslesson 017b : Generating sound with [phasor~], [osc~], [makenote], [mtof~]
2012 | 21 minslesson 017a : Playing audio file by [readsf~], [dac~]
2012 | 19 minslesson 016d : Finishing color tracking with the use of [change] & [text2d]
2012 | 10 minslesson 016c : Using the [spigot] command to block/pass Pure Data message
2012 | 20 mins