Evolutionary Graphics
lesson 001a : Introduction to TouchDesigner
2012 | 11 minslesson 001b : Switching between Design mode and Perform mode in TouchDesigner
2012 | 10 minslesson 002a : Working with 2D image effects: [Blur], [Add], [Difference], [Composite], [CornerPin]
2012 | 16 minslesson 002b : Using the webcam image by [VideoIn] with 2D image effects: [Tile] & [Crop]; Obtaining video information with the [info]
2012 | 10 minslesson 003a : Beginning 3D graphics environment
2012 | 9 minslesson 003b : Working with more 3D graphics by using [Merge], 2D texture mapping and transformation
2012 | 11 minslesson 003c : Introduction to animation by using CHOP nodes: [beats], [wave], [noise], [math]
2012 | 10 minslesson 003d : Creating an Interactive animation by using [mouse]
2012 | 10 minslesson 003e : Using the [Carve] and [Noise] surface operators and exporting digital video
2012 | 10 minslesson 004a : Introduction to particle system
2012 | 10 minslesson 004b : Working with 2D particles by using [pointsprite] & [ramp]
2012 | 8 minslesson 004d : Motion blur effect in particles by using [Feedback] + [level] +[over]
2012 | 7 minslesson 004e : Introduction to 3D particle system with texture mapping
2012 | 10 minslesson 005a : Working with audio playback and using the audio information to control an animation
2012 | 10 minslesson 005b : Performing advanced audio driven particle system animation
2012 | 10 minslesson 005c : Using [magnet], [grid], [copy] to generate animation from audio data obtained through [analysze], [filter]
2012 | 10 minsGlass Art Education Slides
2013 | 4 mins玻璃藝術資源投影片
2013 | 4 mins玻璃藝術: 0 - 1200°C的奇妙變幻
2013 | 24 minslesson 019 : Connecting a switch to the modified keyboard to control a Pure Data program
2012 | 22 minslesson 018 : Modifying a computer keyboard
2012 | 27 minslesson 017c : Obtaining audio input from microphone with [adc~]
2012 | 9 minslesson 017b : Generating sound with [phasor~], [osc~], [makenote], [mtof~]
2012 | 21 minslesson 017a : Playing audio file by [readsf~], [dac~]
2012 | 19 minslesson 016d : Finishing color tracking with the use of [change] & [text2d]
2012 | 10 minslesson 016c : Using the [spigot] command to block/pass Pure Data message
2012 | 20 mins