International Conference on Research Creativity : Praxis
Making magic machines or practicing at the unknown
2012 | 85 minsArticulating networks : Collaboration in the project Nocturne
2012 | 23 minsCaught my wink
2012 | 23 minsHaptic play : Materials, bodies, and architectures in dance and design
2012 | 28 minsIntractable differences : Artistic research and the problem of practice
2012 | 35 minsThe mind-body interface : Hypnosis and direct experience
2012 | 35 minsInner technologies and the field of freedom
2012 | 73 minsThe illusory vitality of objects
2012 | 34 minsPraxis of creativity mining in Tibetan buddhism
2012 | 45 minsHand making community
2012 | 36 minsFair play : Contemporary collaborative painting
2012 | 31 minsCulture, art and transformation
2012 | 38 minsArt machines, cultural probes and academic practices
2012 | 25 minsOld media, new media and the organic body
2012 | 26 minsPoetry and translation : Collaborative practice and creative outcome
2012 | 24 minsNew maps for new spaces : The poetics of creative knowledge
2012 | 78 minsTheory as practice and practice as theory : Praxis and the PhD in Art
2012 | 30 minsRadical finitude : Difference as strategy
2012 | 34 minsSeven typical hurdles to teaching creativity at art schools and how they can be overcome
2012 | 22 minsBlank model prototyping for creating wearable computers in multidisciplinary teams
2012 | 28 minsImage writing : Research on the expressive and communicative power of art
2012 | 25 minsGlass Art Education Slides
2013 | 4 mins玻璃藝術資源投影片
2013 | 4 mins玻璃藝術: 0 - 1200°C的奇妙變幻
2013 | 24 minslesson 019 : Connecting a switch to the modified keyboard to control a Pure Data program
2012 | 22 minslesson 018 : Modifying a computer keyboard
2012 | 27 minslesson 017c : Obtaining audio input from microphone with [adc~]
2012 | 9 minslesson 017b : Generating sound with [phasor~], [osc~], [makenote], [mtof~]
2012 | 21 minslesson 017a : Playing audio file by [readsf~], [dac~]
2012 | 19 minslesson 016d : Finishing color tracking with the use of [change] & [text2d]
2012 | 10 minslesson 016c : Using the [spigot] command to block/pass Pure Data message
2012 | 20 mins