Beyond Individualism and Collectivism : a Sino-American Dialogue
Opening Ceremony
2009 | 23 minsSession I : Why Modern Ethics Rejects the Common Good : Some Suggestions ; The Moral Vacuum in China : Recovering the Confucian Appreciation of the Common Good
2009 | 89 minsSession II : Beyond the Common Good : The Priority of Persons ; The Concept of "Datong" in Chinese Philosophy as an Expression of the Idea of the Common Good
2009 | 94 minsSession III : Who is Responsible for the Common Good? Catholic Social Teaching and the Praxis of Subsidiarity ; The Common Good and the Confucian "Habits of the Heart"
2009 | 92 minsSession IV : Open General Discussion
2009 | 59 minsSession VI : Justice Cannot Suffice : On the Virtues of Love (Caritas) and Mercy (Misericordia) in Moral Formation for the Contemporary Common Good, …….
2009 | 93 minsSession VII : The Common Good and the Virtuous Political Leader ; The Common Good in Moism : A Reconstruction of Mozi's Ethics of "Inclusive Care" and "Reciprocal Well-Being"
2009 | 89 minsSession VIII : Open General Discussion ; Business Planning Meeting for 2010
2009 | 93 mins風暴中的沉思 : 從哲學、倫理和宗教角度看公民抗命
2014 | 171 mins五大宗教論壇 : 人權與家庭的意義
2013 | 139 mins人權、家庭與多元社會
2013 | 130 mins龙与鸽子 : 民族 - 国权主义与基督宗教在当代中国
2011 | 76 mins古典经济学家的道德理论 : 以亚当.斯密为例
2010 | 86 minsCloning and Stem Cells: A Bioethical Analysis
2010 | 76 mins
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