All 1515 videos 全部共1515影片

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Understanding Non-Verbal Communication: Decoding Facial Expressions and Gestures for Seamless Human-Robot Interaction

Department of Computer Science
2024-2-19 │ 71 Mins

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From Chunqiu to Chunqiu Jing: Why and How Confucius Revised Chunqiu

2024-2-2 │ 114 Mins

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The Guanhua Koine of the Ming as Learned by Missionaries and What it Reveals about the Chinese Lingua Franca in Earlier Times

Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology
2023-12-15 │ 92 Mins

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Heroes and Heroism in Ancient China, Greece and Rome

2023-12-8 │ 90 Mins

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Artificial Communication: AI and Interpreting

Centre for Translation
2023-12-7 │ 124 Mins

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Han Hermeneutics, Victorian Translation, and Transhistorical Meaning: Reading The Book of Odes through James Legge

Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology
2023-12-1 │ 96 Mins

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Mothers of Mariners: Mazu and Mary as Patronesses of Sino-European Seafaring in the Early Modern World

Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology
2023-12-1 │ 100 Mins

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East and West; After 3rd Century B.C.

Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology
2023-11-17 │ 81 Mins

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No Fear Digital Humanities!

2023-11-14 │ 92 Mins

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My Appointment with Onegin: Charles Johnston, Douglas Hofstadter and Stanley Mitchell

Centre for Translation
2023-11-6 │ 60 Mins

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